Claudia Badea Claudia Badea


Burnout is defined as a syndrome characterised by a collection of symptoms, generally feeling physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. Even though burnout is usually relating to work, we can experience it in a home setting also. It occurs when we are faced with long term stress and pressure.

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Claudia Badea Claudia Badea


Stress is an emotion and is defined as our reaction to a challenge. This challenge can be physical, mental or emotional pressure.

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Claudia Badea Claudia Badea


Anxiety is an emotion and is the general term we use for o sum of physical sensations that we experience when we are in danger or when we feel threatened in any way.

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Claudia Badea Claudia Badea


Anger is a basic human emotion and constitutes a physical and mental response to a threat or harm done in the past. It takes different forms and it ranges from irritation to blinding rage or even resentment.

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Domestic Abuse
Claudia Badea Claudia Badea

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is a repeated pattern of behaviours that occurs when a relationship or family member attempts to physically and / or psychologically dominate another.

Domestic abuse takes different forms and can be physical, emotional, verbal, financial, sexual or controlling behaviour.

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Personal Development
Claudia Badea Claudia Badea

Personal Development

Personal development is defined as a life long process that consists of activities that develop individual skills, competence and personality through increasing self-awareness, through education and training with the aim of achieving our goals.

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