Anxiety is an emotion and is the general term we use for o sum of physical sensations that we experience when we are in danger or when we feel threatened in any way.
The physical sensations associated with anxiety are:
increased heart rate
changing in breathing
stomach problems (butterflies, nausea, diarrhoea)
hot flushes or chills
Some of the associated problems with anxiety are:
muscle tension
sleep disturbances
excessive tiredness
difficulty focusing or mind going blank
restlessness or irritability
There are two ways in which we respond when we experience anxiety:
the healthy way by being cautious and avoiding threats
the unhealthy way by isolating ourselves or by entertaining negative or catastrophic thinking.
Treatment for anxiety is not suppressing it or aiming to never experiencing it, but learning to recognise our symptoms and knowing how to relax and manage them, gaining control over our lives.
This way, we respond to situations, we don’t react to situation.
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