
Stress is an emotion and is defined as our reaction to a challenge. This challenge can be physical, mental or emotional pressure. Sources of stress vary, but can be categorised as:

  1. Environmental stressors : weather, noise, traffic

  2. Social stressors: deadlines, job interviews, demands for your time and attention, conflicts, financial difficulties, work pressure

  3. Physiological stressors: lack of exercise, poor nutrition, aging, lack of sleep, illness

  4. Thoughts: how we are used to interpret our experiences and what we predict for our future can relax or stress us.

Some of the problems or difficulties associated with stress are:

  • digestive problems: bloating, constipation or diarrhoea

  • tension headaches

  • excessive tiredness, aches and pains

  • anger outbursts, snapping at people

  • irritability

  • withdrawal from activities or people

Treatment for stress involves recognising it as a problem, identifying the sources of stress and adjusting our behaviour by building resources (both internal and external) that help us cope.

We respond to situations, we don’t react to situations.



