Quality World
It’s been a long time coming, a lot of time, energy, frustration and ideas went into it but my website is finally here and I’m ready to reach out to people. As someone very wise once told me, when you talk about something and use the word “but” in a phrase, the significance of it is as follows: what you just said after “but” is more important than you just said before it. So, I guess that all the hard times are forgotten and there is nothing more important than the fact that the website is up and running and I am one step closer to my dream of connecting with people. It was all worth it. I like to think of it as the first step that will connect my Quality World with yours.
Quality World is a concept developed by Dr. William Glasser, the founder of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy. He tells us that we all have a small, personal, imaginary world that we create shortly after birth. This world is made up of very unique mental images that are important to us.
Your Quality World is made out of pictures of people that you most want to be with, of pictures of things that you most want to have and of pictures of values or your belief system. Your Quality World motivates your behaviour, it is what you live for.
When I set up my practice, I knew that working as a counsellor and facilitator was a strong image in my Quality World. So, naming it “Quality World” only seemed natural. It is part of MY “Quality World” and I hope it will inspire you to explore and look into YOUR OWN Quality World to find out what matters to you.